Mum of one Kirsty Jennings, 29, is a freelance writer from Malvern, Worcestershire who lives with her partner Rick, 33.
Kirsty suffered regular stares and had even been skin shamed about her psorisis in public, which only added to her anxiety about her skin until she same accross a chance review that helped her find Oregon skincare products which she says have been a 'total first' after they improved her skin better than steroids.
‘I was 17 when I first noticed some plaques on my elbows. At first I thought it was dry skin as my dad and brother both suffer from eczema and so I just kept chucking moisturiser on the dry patch. But when it quickly spread further on my elbows and then appeared on my knees and scalp I realised it was something else.
They say psoriasis is usually triggered by something, either a physical trauma or emotional stress. Mine was triggered just as I was moving out of my parents’ house. I guess I was quite scared at the prospect of fending for myself as I was still quite young.
Once the plaques spread to my knees and scalp I immediately went to the doctor who diagnosed psoriasis and prescribed me steroid ointments and a scalp treatment that was very greasy. I was given Dovobet and cetraben for my skin, and another very strong medicated scalp application for my scalp.
When I was told I had psoriasis it hit me pretty hard, especially when I realised it was something that would never be cured.
I wasn’t too bothered about using the steroid ointments as they were easy to apply and effective. However, the ointment for my head was very greasy and thick, and because I worked every day I was reluctant to apply it.
The first time I used it I couldn’t wash it out of my hair and I had to spend the day at work dodging glances from people wondering why my hair was so greasy. I remember crying on the phone to the doctor begging to be given something else.
The problem with the steroid treatments is that you can’t use them for long periods of time. So, I soon entered the cycle of coming off steroids and experiencing my skin flaring up again almost immediately. With more steroid applications over the years my psoriasis spread and got worse when it came back after I finished a course of steroids. With every new flareup new plaques showed on other parts of my body.
I experienced my worst flare up ever this year without a doubt. We’ve all been suffering through the pandemic and had a lot of stress built up. At the start of this year I also started a new job and my anxiety levels shot through the roof. In the space of two weeks my psoriasis spread to my scalp, hands and finally my face, which was the more horrifying thing of all. Having scalp psorisis and faceial psoriasis make it even more visible as you can't cover it up.
At a total loss of what to use on my skin when I couldn’t use the steroids I tried just about every miracle cream advertised on the internet. At best all they did was keep my skin moisturised but other than that they did nothing at all.
It was devastating for my self-confidence when my psoriasis appeared on my hands and face as you simply cannot cover that up. I found the endless starring very upsetting. People can be very cruel. During the early heatwave we had this year I kept myself completely covered up in fear of comments and stares. There were no bikini beach days or shorts for me. Once I braved a pair of knee length shorts and I had a woman in a shop comment on my knees about how disgusting I looked so I went back to wearing trousers despite the heat.
Even friends can be insensitive. I’ve had some making comments about my skin. They didn’t mean it in a nasty way but it always hurts my feelings.
In terms of my personal relationship my psoriasis has really affected me as its got worse and spread.
My partner Rick is amazing. He knows how I feel about myself sometimes and always calls me beautiful and supports me. He will also happily help apply creams or run a saltwater bath for me. Even so I often don’t feel confident in myself or my appearance and I often wonder how anyone could ever find me attractive.
I know it sounds like a pity party, but psoriasis is much more than patchy skin. I would often just sit and cry when I saw my skin in the mirror. Suffering from this skin condition is emotionally very draining as well as being physically quote painful.
Most days I’ll admit I feel depressed about my psoriasis. I feel that it's unfair that anyone should have to go through everything that I suffer.
The only thing that has given me any hope of my skin improving without the use of steroids is a treatment I found two months ago through my Instagram. I follow a lot of psoriasis related accounts and also share many of my own struggles with my skin on my account.
I saw someone I follow making a comment about the effects of Oregon Skincare on their psoriasis, so I immediately investigated. The more I researched the more comments I found. They were not adverts but comments from real people with psoriasis so I decided to try the products to see if they helped me.
Within a week the redness on my hands and forehead had dramatically reduced. Within a month the difference was incredible.
Apart from steroid treatments I have used I’ve never experienced any topical treatment reducing the appearance of my psoriasis, so this was a total first for me.
The added bonus was the Oregon treatment serum was not greasy or smelly. The company also make a Oregon shampoo too with the same ingredients in which crucially was not greasy on my hair and really helped reduce my scalp psoriasis. My scalp was thick with plaques and after the first wash with the treatment shampoo they loosened enough that I could gently pull them away.
You only have to look at the photos I took before using the Oregon products and after two months of use to see how dramatically my skin improved.
There’s a whole range of Oregon products but the Oregon serum is my favourite. It’s been with me constantly since receiving it. Since using the serum I’ve not used steroid treatments and have not felt the need to either which makes me feel very happy.”