Using certain popular skincare products and shampoos could harm your body's ability to fight off infections and serious diseases, scientists have warned.

A new report which outlines a proposal for a new bill to be passed by the House of Commons in the UK has warned that antibacterial chemicals called ‘biocides’ present in many anti-dandruff shampoos, facial cleansers, facial wipes and mouthwashes could be wiping out the skin’s beneficial bacteria that is crucial for healthy and resilient skin that can fights off infections.

Experts have raised the alarm about antibacterial chemicals called 'biocides', which are substances in many hygiene and skincare products designed to indiscriminately wipe-out out all bacteria, viruses and microscopic fungi.

However, these biocides also kill the trillions of microorganisms on our skin that help protect us from disease. 

One commonly used biocide, called benzalkonium chloride, is found in many anti-bacterial facial cleansers, especially for acne, and body washes as well as hand sanitisers and baby wipes. It's also used in many standard OTC anti-dandruff shampoos used by millions of people daily to keep dandruff under control.

Research suggests using mouthwashes containing another common biocide called chlorhexidine can wipe out 90% of protective bacteria in your mouth. This biocide is also present in many dental floss products.

The new bill, currently being debated in the House of Lords, seeks to limit the use of biocides in over-the-counter personal care, skincare and haircare products.

Former leader of the Green party Natalie Bennett, who is tabling the bill, wrote in a policy brief that biocides are hidden in most people’s everyday skincare routines.

Baroness Bennett has told the press this week that before many of us even sit down for breakfast we have subjected our skin to a barrage of biocides. She added that use of the chemicals in common household personal care products is unnecessary given there are many non-biocide alternatives.

Other scientists involved in the drafting of the proposed bill have claimed that outside of healthcare, the benefits of biocides are at best speculative, but that the harms are potentially significant.

Supporters of the bill are calling for a broad spectrum ban on unjustified use of biocides in over-the-counter skin and hair care products. 

There’s an increasing bank of research that is exploring the benefits of products that help build and replenish the skin’s microbiome, which can help keep out bad bacteria that can lead to infection and disease by repairing and reenforcing the skin’s barrier protection. This method works by focusing on aiding the repair and recouperation of the skin’s natural barrier function to help fend off infection rather than wiping out all bacteria.   

Bad bacteria get into weakened skin much more easily which is why skin that is dry or cracked from skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis or inflamed from skin conditions like rosacea, can end up becoming infected.

So, what is the best thing for skincare and caring for the skin’s good bacteria?

There are number of options in evolved skincare products that have already identified the risk associated with harsh anti-bacterial agents and are already moving towards addressing the issue of skin infections including acne and skin conditions such as eczema, rosacea and psoriasis which cause significant damage to the ski microbiome, in a different way. Rather than using harsh anti-bacterial agents to blitz all the bacteria from the skin’s surface, in so doing destroying all the skin’s beneficial bacteria in the process, these new ingredients are smarter and more selective and work with the skin’s natural defence mechanisms.

MicroSilver ™ is a patented naturally sourced ingredient that is smart anti-bacterial agent that specifically starves bad skin bacteria while at the same time leaving good skin bacteria intact, allowing it to multiply and grow. This way the problematic bacteria that leads to acne and infections in dry and cracked atopic skin is reduced and the good bacteria begins to populate and dominate.  MicroSilver ™ has been found in two studies to reduce skin inflammation and infection. Clarol Silver Serum is a skin serum that contains MicroSilver ™.

The use of prebiotics acts as a food source for good skin bacteria, so while not killing off the bad bacteria, skin prebiotics are repellent to the bad bacteria while aiding in the growth of good skin bacteria.

Biolin is a potent natural plant-based skin prebiotic is taken from chicory root.

Dermatologist Dr Eva Melegh says, “Biolin, which is a patented skin prebiotic made from chichory root,  is an excellent skin prebiotic as it supports the restoration of the microbiota environment in skin and helps skin recover and replenish skin barrier repair faster while at the same time repressing the growth of harmful skin bacteria. It’s ideal for use in formulations for dry and atopic skin, skin prone to rosacea, redness and sensitivity as well as vaginal skin prone to dryness and irritation.”

Biolin can be found in Hydrosil Dry Eye Concealer. Its also used in several hair and brow products as a naturally effective alternative to warding off dandruff and dry itchy scalp and so can be found in Hydrosil HydroBrow, Hydrosil Scalp Shield Shampoo and Hydrosil Scalp Shield Tonic. It’s also used in the In2mate intimate skincare range help feed good vaginal bacteria and keep harmful vaginal bacteria that leads to itchiness from bactieral overgrowth under control.

Agave, the plant used to make tequila, is another of nature’s potent skin prebiotics and is especially good for intense moisturisation and anti-redness making it excellent for skin prone to rosacea.

PreBIULIN AGA agave extract is a patented prebiotic taken from the agave plant that is repellent to a particular skin bacteria associated with triggering rosacea flare ups, called bacillus oleronius. 

“Skin prone to rosacea has a volatile reaction to an increase of bacillus oleronius bacteria that results in the classic cyclical symptoms of redness, inflammation and hyper-sensitivity,” says Dr Melegh. “An ingredient that is repellent this particular bacteria while promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria can be hugely beneficial to skin prone to rosacea.”

Aside from reducing bacillus oleronius, PreBIULIN AGA also helps replenish the skin’s microbiome, which is typically damaged from repeated rosacea flares and leads to dryness and tightness of the skin, a common symptom of rosacea.

PreBIULIN AGA is also proven to be more moisturising than Hyaluronic Acid, and so prevents the extreme dryness associated with rosacea, which can further damage skin microbiome.

Kalme TeQ Serum contains both PreBIULIN AGA plus a second extract of pure Blue Agave, whose science name is Agave Tequilana (TeQ) that has prebiotic properties to help reinforce the action of PreBIULIN AGA as well as offering additional hydration and an anti-inflammatory action.