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Clarol Silver Serum 50ml
Clarol Silver Serum 50ml
Clarol Silver Serum 50ml

Clarol Silver Serum 50ml

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Smart bomb for Skin
Our revolutionary new Silver Serum is the first 'smart' anti-bacterial skin treatment. It contains a special silver ingredient that kills the bad bacteria while helping good skin bacteria.

 Clearer, Healthier 
 Skin with Smart 
 Bacteria Defence 

Struggling with persistent spots, redness, or acne scars?

Whether caused by hormonal changes, oily skin, or sensitivity, Clarol Silver Serum is your trusted solution.

This dermatologically tested, lightweight serum rebalances your skin’s natural bacteria, targeting bad bacteria while preserving good bacteria to strengthen your skin’s defences.

Its gentle, hydrating formula soothes irritation, reduces redness, and improves the appearance of scars, making it perfect for sensitive, acne-prone skin.

Many users see visible results in just weeks, enjoying smoother, clearer skin that feels healthier every day.

 What to Expect 
 Our Promise 

We know that many people with acne have tried products and treatments that didn’t live up to their promises.

At Clarol, we believe in being honest and setting clear, realistic expectations from the start.

Our Silver Serum is designed to work with your skin over time, getting to the root of acne.

Results don’t happen overnight, but this journey will lead to healthier, clearer skin.

Knowing what to expect along the way can help you feel confident that real improvements are happening.

Week 1:

Skin feels calmer, less reactive, and irritation begins to subside.

Red spots start to reduce in intensity.

Weeks 2–3:

Visible improvement in redness, and smaller surface spots begin to clear.

Skin feels less inflamed, and the texture appears smoother.

Weeks 4–5:

Larger, deeper acne lesions begin to reduce in size and intensity. Blackheads decrease, and pores appear more refined.

Overall skin tone becomes more even.

After 1 Month:

Clearer, healthier-looking skin with significantly less redness and fewer active breakouts.

Acne lesions are less inflamed and drier, with improved recovery time.


Consistent use helps prevent new breakouts, manage emerging acne, and maintain a clearer, smoother complexion.

Skin feels calmer, less congested, and more balanced, promoting confidence in your natural appearance.

 All You Need, 
 No Gamble Required 

Skin specialists will tell you that consistency is the key to managing acne.

Frequently experimenting with different products can be like playing Russian roulette and often ends up making your skin worse in the long-run.

So, why risk it...

That’s why we’ve created five core products designed specifically for skin like yours!

The combined function of our acne skincare regimen is to fundamentally improve the underlying condition of your skin while eliminating the need for other products that may disrupt its recovery process.

All we ask is a commitment to sticking with us so that you can experience the tried-and-tested benefits that our system can deliver for your skin.


Clean pores
Boost skin


Even Tone &
Reduce open pores

KALME Chameleon concealerKALME Chameleon concealer


bacterial balance

KALME Skin CleansingKALME Skin Cleansing



KALME Undercoat Shield & De-SensitiseKALME Undercoat Shield & De-Sensitise


Reduce spots
& Inflammation

 Our Routine 
 Step by Step 


General Tip:

Avoid stressing the skin with water and soap if not necessary, as this can strip away natural oils and increase sensitivity.

Birch Water Toner:

Start with Clarol Birch Water Toner. Using a clean cotton pad, gently swipe it over your entire face. This step helps minimise open pores and balances the tone of oily, acne-prone skin.

Silver Serum:

Before using any makeup, apply Clarol Silver Serum. It contains a unique silver ingredient that stays active for 8 hours and targets harmful bacteria while supporting beneficial skin bacteria, so constantly establishing a healthy bacterial balance to aid the skin’s natural acne defences.

KALME Evening RoutineKALME Evening Routine

Exfoliating Wash:

Begin with the Clarol Exfoliating Wash to gently cleanse away impurities and remove dead, infected skin cells from the skin’s surface, helping to prevent acne triggers.

Birch Water Toner:

Follow up with Clarol Birch Water Toner. Gently swipe it over your entire face with a clean cotton pad. This step helps minimise open pores and balance the tone of oily, acne-prone skin.


After exfoliating and toning, apply Clarol Sebopure to keep sebum pure, helping to prevent pore blockages forming overnight. Sebum is essential for healthy, flexible, and youthful-looking skin.

ZnO Clear:

Spot-on therapy for use on isolated and emerging spots overnight to help neutralise emerging and present pimples.

KALME Special RoutineKALME Special Routine

In Case of Oiliness:

If your skin feels very oily in the morning, you can use the Silver & Birch Exfoliating Wash in the morning as well as in the evening to help control excess oil.

If your skin is very oily, apply Sebopure twice daily— PM & AM (after using Silver Serum).

In Case of Dryness:

If your skin feels dry, reduce exfoliation to once every other day.



KALME as seen on press coverageKALME as seen on press coverage
1. Do I apply Sebopure to my whole face or just my spots?

You should apply Sebopure to your whole face as you want to ensure that all your sebum is purified and not just the sebum in effected area as this will help prevent break outs in other areas. 

2. Can I used Silver Serum with Sebopure?

Yes, these two products have different functions and can and should be used together. 

Apply the Silver Serum first and then the Sebopure at night after exfoliating and toning. 

 Apply just the Silver Serum during the day after exfoliating and toning and before primer. 

3. Can I use Sebopure elsewhere on my body?
Yes Sebopure is suitable for acne anywhere on the body. However do not apply internally.
4. Can I use Silver Serum elsewhere on my body?

Yes Silver Serum is suitable for acne anywhere on the body. However do not apply internally.

5. How quickly can I expect Sebopure to work?

This is a very difficult question to answer as everyone's skin is different and it also depends on the severity of your acne. Also bare in mind  that Sebopure  is not a medication, and so it has to work in harmony with your skin's natural pace. However most people tend to see an improvement in 2-3 weeks, though if your acne is very severe this may take longer. 

6. How quickly can I expect Silver Serum to work?

This is a very difficult question to answer as everyone's skin is different and it also depends on the severity of your acne. Also bare in mind  that Silver Serum is not a medication, and so it has to work in harmony with your skin's natural pace. However most people tend to see an improvement in 2-3 weeks, though if your acne is very severe this may take longer.

7. Why are the Clarol products not working on my acne?

Firstly let us say we are sorry you have not seen the results you hoped for with the Clarol range. 
We truly wish that our Clarol products worked for everyone but acne is a complicated skin condition with multiple underlying causes with no one-stop solution and so no single product will always work for everyone, not even prescription products.

The first thing to consider is the origin of your acne. If its acne rosacea rather than bacterial acne, any form of fungal acne or acne caused by dermatitis, the Clarol products will not be as effective as for bacterial acne. Clarol products work by changing the balance of bacteria on the skin which can help build up the skin's natural resistance to the process that leads to bacterial acne. However changing bacterial balance on skin with acne that isn't bacterial will not be effective.

There are also some common mistakes people make that can reduce the effectiveness of Clarol products.

Something to consider is how long you have been using the products.  Many people describe their skin purging before it starts to improve, especially if they have been using anti bacterial products or acne medications before using the Clarol products. This process can take 2-3 weeks before improvements are seen and often the skin gets slightly worse during this period before it improves. 

Another common problem is people using other anti-bacterial products (washes, cleansers etc) at the same time or in conjunction with Clarol products.

Clarol products work by preserving and increasing  good skin bacteria which is what helps to build up stronger and more resilient skin.

 If you're using an anti-bacterial agent at the same time as Clarol you will be reducing it's effectiveness. 

8. Why is Sebopure not working?

Acne is a complicated skin condition with no one-stop solution and so Sebopure will not always work for everyone. However there are some common mistakes people make that can reduce the effectiveness of Sebopure.

The most common problem is people using other anti-bacterial products (washes, cleansers etc) at the same time or in conjunction with Sebopure.

The skin tends to produce more sebum in reaction to anti-bacterial agents, which means the effects if Sebopure will be reduced if they are used at the same time. 

In addition anti-bacterial agents will also reduce the effectiveness of the actual ingredient in Sebopure that works to purify the sebum. 

The same goes if you are using any kind of sebum inhibiting or sebum drying product at the same time as Sebopure. Sebopure works best with a natural and free production of sebum. Not only will it help purify the sebum to reduce the risk of pore blockages, an unhampered  production of sebum will mean that the skin is naturally more moisturised and balanced, so the results should be clearer, less dry and more radiant skin. 

Finally another common problem is not cleansing before using Sebopure. If the sebum is already teaming with old bad skin bacteria, then Sebopure is going to have a much harder battle. Clean the skin first with a non-anti-bacterial cleanser or wash before applying Sebopure and it should be much more effective. 

9. My Conceal & Shield doesn't go on very smoothly is this normal?

Please remember its a treatment concealer that will be helping your skin so its never going to be as smooth as a normal concealer. 

The Conceal & Shield is designed to form a protective 'shell' over the spot so once it dries its not like a normal cosmetic concealer. We recommend once dry applying a thin dusting of your favourite powder or a think scrim of your concealer over the top to concealer the 'shell'. 

The huge advantage of the Conceal & Shield for your skin is that once its on you can use other cosmetics over the top without fear of exacerbating your acne as the Conceal & Shield is protecting your skin from further invasion with bacteria from other products.

Did you try shaking the tube? Its a very natural product too so sometimes the ingredients need a good shake to blend them. This may help with the smoothness on application. 

Another tip is blend the product more with your fingertip after you have applied it. 

10. My skin has got slightly worse since starting with Clarol products, is this normal?

Acne is a complicated skin condition with many different causes and with no one-stop solution. 

How quickly Clarol products work will depend on how bad your acne is, what products you have been using on it before using Clarol products and other lifestyle factors.

When starting to use Clarol products, most people report their skin temporarily getting slightly worse in the initial 2-3 weeks of use before it starts to improve. This is usually due to the skin readjusting to the new treatment. 

Clarol treats acne in a very different way to all other acne products. It doesn't fight the acne itself, instead it enforces the skin's natural acne defences. This change in approach can often mean the skin has a period of readjustment, especially if you have been using acne-fighting products previously.

There are also some common mistakes people make that can reduce the effectiveness of the Clarol products.

Firstly if you are using any acne medications (either tablets or skin treatments) in conjunction with Clarol products then the products are unlikely to work and may even react badly with the medication.

Secondly the most common problem is people using other anti-bacterial products (washes, cleansers, soaps etc) or sebum drying products in conjunction with Clarol products. 

The Clarol Silver Serum and the Silver & Birch Exfoliating Wash work by only killing off bad skin bacteria and, more essentially, preserving good skin bacteria which is what helps to build up stronger and more resilient skin. If you are using any anti-bacterial products with it, the effects of the serum will be negated.

In addition if you are using any form of sebum blocking/drying/reducing products, this will negate the effects of Sebopure, which works but preserving and purifying sebum but allowing the skin's natural production of sebum to continue to help keep non infected skin healthy and moisturised. 

If neither of the above applies, then we do recommend you give it at least 2-3 weeks of daily use before assessing the results. Acne is a fundamental skin condition which doesn't clear up in a few days or even a few weeks. Strong acne medications and anti bacterial treatments do have a more immediate effect on the acne itself but the problem is they are not for long term use and typically as soon as they are stopped, the acne returns in full force and the treatment/break out cycle begins. They also do a lot of damage to surrounding healthy skin so over all the skin becomes weaker and drier, allowing the acne to get even more established.

Clarol products are designed for daily long-term use to gradually build up the skin's natural acne defences which, in many cases, have been typically depleted by multiple use of anti-acne products and or anti-acne medications. If used as part of a daily skin care routine Clarol products should help reduce the frequency and intensity of break outs as well as improve and strengthen the quality of surrounding skin to be more resilient against future break outs.

11. Is the Clarol range suitable for teen skin prone to acne?

The whole Clarol range is ideal for teenage acne.

We try to encourage teenagers to go the 'none chemical' route to tacking their acne so that later on in adulthood their skin does not end up dry or damaged from years of use of harsh chemical anti bacterial acne products aimed at teens.

The following regimen is the perfect combination for teen skin; 

AM: Clarol Pore Minimising Toner + Silver Serum ( if using make up apply this before any make up is applied) + Clarol Primer  ( if using make up apply this before any make up is applied) 

PM: Silver & Birch Exfoliating Wash + Sebopure  + Clarol ZnO Clear put on any emerging spots overnight

We must add here that the Clarol products will NOT work as well if you are using other anti-bacterial products at the same time.

That is we why we encourage customers to use the whole Clarol range (which we heavily discount when bought as a range) as it covers all daily skin care needs for teen acne prone skin and means other products with chemical anti bacterial agents in them are avoided.

12. How and when to use Clarol products and usage tips


Here are some tips and advice on when and how to use the Clarol products and how to get the most out of them

Our suggested regimen for Clarol products; 

AM: Silver & Birch Exfoliating Wash + Birch Water Pore Minimising Toner + Silver Serum  before any make up is applied


PM: Birch Water Pore Minimising Toner + Sebopure + ZnO Clear on any emerging spots



 - If your skin is very greasy, increase exfoliation to twice daily AM + PM. If skin is quite dry decrease exfoliation to once every other day in the PM.




  1. When exfoliating, always be gentle on skin, don't scrub it too hard. Exfoliate using gentle circular movements over the whole facial area. Use the Exfoliating Wash on almost dry skin. Just add a few droplets of tepid water to the wash before applying it to dry skin.
  2. Try to avoid touching your face as much as possible during the day.
  3. Remove make up as soon as possible when getting in after the day’s events. Even if you are going out in the evening try to remove day make up as it will be contaminated with dirt and bacteria. Re applying clean make up for evening wear.
  4. Wear long hair off your face when sleeping
  5. Try to avoid getting shampoo and hair products on facial area when washing hair.
  6. Always patch test product before use to check for skin reactions 
13. My Conceal & Shield isn't pumping out any product, is it broken?

Your Conceal & Shield is kept in a new type of airless container to keep it super hygienic while being store, which is important as it’s such a natural product.

So, when you first use the product you need to click the dispenser button at least 20-30 times to pump the product from the storage container and into the brush head.

Once its there it requires just a few clicks each time to dispense the product.

Please persevere with the pumps until you see the product appearing in the little window and then a few pumps more and you will see it appearing in the brush head.

However if you have done this and the product is still not appearing please try giving the tube a couple of sharp taps on a hard surface. Although the pump mechanism is great for hygiene, its quite a technical little thing and sometimes when its new the pump can get jammed. Often a few sharp taps on the hard surface releases the the jam and its plain sailing from there.

If this doesn't work please contact us.
14. What do I use to remove my make up with while using the Clarol products?

We are in the process of making a Clarol make-up remover so that's in the pipeline.

In the meantime we recommend that you do not use make up removers as they contain detergents which can negate the effects of the Clarol products as well as being very harsh and aggravating on sensitive acne-prone skin. 

Instead we'd recommend our Kalme Cream Cleanser, which is detergent-free and is designed for very sensitive skin. Apply this cleanser directly using a cotton pad and it removes all make up, sun cream and dirt. You can use this before exfoliating with the Clarol Silver & Birch Exfoliating Wash.

Or alternatively you can use a natural light cleansing oil (such as rosehip oil) to gently loosen your eye make up and then exfoliate with the Clarol Silver & Birch Exfoliating Wash which should remove most foundation make up as well as the loosened eye make up. 

15. The Clarol products have improved my acne but my skin is very dry and flaky, is this normal?
Drier skin is quite common during the initial healing process. The key is to notice if your acne, inflammation and underlying redness have reduced.

Often during the acne healing process as the inflammation dies down the skin can become quite dry.

So if you have bought the whole Clarol range, we recommend that you use Clarol Silver Serum and Clarol Sebopure twice daily to address the dryness.

However reduce the use of the Silver & Birch Wash to once a day, preferably in the evening only. 
This dryness should be temporary and improve in a few weeks.

Also please make sure you are not using any make up removers or anti bacterial products at the same time as the Clarol products as this can negate their effects ad contribute to skin dryness.

For make up removal we suggest using either a natural cleansing oil (rosehip or squaline are good as they are very light non greasy oils). Or we recommend our own Kalme Cream Cleanser from our Kalme skincare range. 

The Kalme Cream Cleanser removes all make up and is a water-free cleanser that contains no chemicals or detergents and is highly moisturising for the skin and suitable for use on very sensitive skin.

The key is to use a product to remove make up with no detergents in it as these will contribute and may even be the cause of the dryness.  

But if your skin is still feeling dry and you want to use additional moisturiser we'd recommend that you add Kalme Undercoat to your daily skincare regime to address the dryness.

The Kalme Undercoat is designed to combat dryness and also reduce skin sensitivity. Its an extra layer of light moisturisation that users with sensitive skin that is in the process of healing can add to their daily Clarol skincare routine if their skin becomes very dry during the healing process. The Kalme Undercoat does not contain any chemicals, perfumes or detergents so will not interfere with the Clarol products or aggravate sensitive skin.

How do I use Undercoat with my other Clarol products?

You should apply the Undercoat twice daily (am and pm) after exfoliating and applying either/both Clarol Silver Serum and/or Clarol Sebopure but before you use any other products.

16. Are Silver Serum and Clarol Skin Flora Rebalancing Serum the same?

Skin Flora Rebalancing Serum shares the same contents with Silver Serum which is a Skin Shop own brand product.

We are bringing the two brands together with an updated packaging which you can see in the middle of the image below.


While this update happens you may receive your Skin Flora Rebalancing Serum in either the Silver Serum packaging, the original Skin Flora Rebalancing packaging or the new packaging.

Please rest assured that this is exactly the same product, only the packaging is different.

17. How often should I exfoliate my skin with the Clarol Silver & Birch Exfoliating Wash?

How often you use the exfoliating wash really depends on your skin.

Generally if your skin is normal (as in not very greasy and not very dry)  then gently exfoliate once a day, preferable in the evenings before bed with the Clarol Silver & Birch Exfoliating Wash before applying the other Clarol products overnight.

However if your skin is very greasy you can increase exfoliation to twice a day, morning and evening, which can improve the greasiness.

If your skin is quite dry then reduce exfoliating to once every other day.

Often when the Clarol products begin to take effect and skin starts to improve, dryness can often result as part of the healing process. In this case reduce exfoliation to every other day.

When exfoliating, always be gentle on skin, don't scrub it too hard and exfoliate using gentle circular movements over the whole facial area.

18. How should I remove make up when using Clarol products?
When you remove make up we suggest that you avoid using normal make up removers or make up remover wipes. These are packed with detergents that will counter act the effects of the other Clarol products as well as strip your skin of essential oils it needs to repair itself from acne damage and stay moisturised. They may well also irritate the skin which can trigger further outbreaks in the future. 

In our opinion the best option for make up removal is to use a light facial oil (such as squaline or rose hip) as an oil cleanser to loosen the make up, then use the Clarol Silver & Birch Exfoliating Wash to wash/cleanser the face of the loose make up and oil and then apply the other Clarol products you are using. 

We are currently developing our own make up remover to add to the Clarol range with no detergents in it to address this issue. But until then the above suggestion may be most beneficial for your skin while you are using the Clarol products to address your acne.
19. Can I wear make up over Clarol products?
Yes you can apply make up over Clarol products.

We recommend you always wear at least the Clarol Silver Serum under all make up, plus Clarol Sebopure if you are also using it. 

Ideally when applying make up you should try and use a mineral based foundation or powder if you can. 
20. Can I also use a moisturiser with the Clarol products?
Clarol Silver Serum and Clarol Sebopure both have moisturising actions so you probably should not need a moisturiser over the top as generally people with acne often have quote oily skin.

However some people can experience both dry skin and acne, especially with more mature skin and if you do feel like your skin is dry, then add a night moisturising product over the other Clarol products over night.

Please note that whatever product you use you need to make sure it contains no; 

anti-bacterial agents

Clarol products contain none of these things and skin that is prone to break outs is likely to have become quite intolerant to many of the chemicals, perfumes and anti-bacterial agents put into many normal skin care products. 

If you need more moisture at night we recommend a simple natural light facial oil such as squaline or rose hip. Make sure its a pure oil and not a blend. 

Layer this over the top of the other Clarol products at night but ONLY if you feel you need extra moisture. If not then just use the Clarol products twice daily.
21. Can you layer Clarol products and what effect does that have?

Yes you can layer Clarol  products in fact that is how they are designed to be used.

The skin is able to absorb several products. 

All our products are designed to be layered. Modern skin care with less chemicals and preservatives in is no longer about 'one product cures all'. 

Acne is a very complex skin condition with multiple symptoms and so needs different actions from different ingredients. 

Yet you can't load up a single product, especially if its mostly natural, with too many active products as it can become less stable as a result and make it more likely to cause reactions. 

Simpler formulations with 1-2 actives in is how we keep our products so natural and so effective and yet suitable for sensitive and reactive skin.

22. Does Clarol Silver Serum contain colloidal silver?

Silver Serum contains Microsilver (tm) and not colloidal silver. 

Colloidal silver is a generic oral supplement.

Microsilver (tm) is a patented cosmetic ingredient formulated and certified for use on the skin in order to promote the growth of good skin bacteria and limit the growth of bad skin bacteria.

23. Why is the Clarol TOTAL care pack no longer available?

We have recently added two new products to the Clarol range, a toner and primer.

For this reason and so we can offer our customers the best possible deal on our products we have created a new Complete Care Pack to replace the Total Care Pack, and its an even BETTER deal.

The Complete Care  includes the new Clarol Nordic Birch Water Pore Reducing Toner and the Nordic Birch Bark & Willow Primer.

We have removed the Conceal & Shield from the Complete Care Pack as many customers wish to either not have this included or to buy it separately.

So we have created a new Complete Care Pack so that our customers can buy an even more complete Clarol range at an even better price. 

You save over £20 when you buy the Clarol Complete Care Pack - which we think is a pretty awesome deal 

24. Why don't you have a Clarol Cleanser?

We don't have a Clarol Cleanser as we believe there are more effective ways of cleaning acne prone skin.

Clarol Silver & Birch Exfoliating Wash followed by Clarol Birch Water Toner is our solution for better cleansing of acne prone skin that a straight cleanser. 

Our combination firstly gently exfoliates, cleans and smooths the skin while restoring good bacteria and then the toner closes pores, balances skin tone and removes any last traces of dirt etc left from exfoliation, leaving skin clean, smooth and balanced. 

25. Can I use Clarol products alongside acne medication?

If you are on any type of prescribed medication for acne, we recommend that you consult your doctor before trying any other products alongside your medication. 

26. Can I combine Clarol products with other acne skincare products?
We can't really comment on combining Clarol products other products as we don't know exactly what is in them or how they might interact with our products. 

The Clarol range is designed to cover all your skincare needs so other products should not be needed.
27. I've heard that silver is dangerous and you can turn blue!
We are aware that Colloidal silver can be dangerous.

But Silver Serum contains Microsilver (tm) and not colloidal silver. It is a very different ingredient.

Microsilver (tm) is a patented cosmetic ingredient formulated and certified for use on the skin in order to promote the growth of good skin bacteria and limit the growth of bad skin bacteria.
Our Silver Serum is completely safe and a completely different product class from the colloidal silver you may have read about.
28. I only use a few of the Clarol products, why can't you reduce the price if I buy more than one product?

We can offer the entire Clarol skincare kit at a reduced price because it means that customers buy several products at once so we can then  factor in the reduced postage costs and reflect that in a price reduction of all the products.

The ingredients in our Clarol range  are not like ingredients in normal over the counter acne products.

They are specialist ingredients sourced from natural plant and mineral extracts that can only be sourced from certain places. Our birch sap in the toner and primer for example is sourced specifically from Nordic silver birth trees that only grow in a certain area in Scandinavia, the willow bark extract and wild red clover extract in our toner and primer is also sourced from Nordic locations. The Microsilver in our Silver Serum is a naturally sourced pure silver mineral that is then micronized using a patented method to make it highly effective for use on the skin. The wild mustard leaf extract in our Calrol Sebopure is only sourced from specific areas of Europe.

This is why our products are effective as its the quality of the ingredients that makes them work.

However such quality of natural ingredients is not cheap to produce. Even so we feel we have priced our products quite modestly compared to other anti acne products which do not contain such specialised and specifically sourced ingredients as ours and which are far less effective as a result.

We also recommend and really like to encourage people to use our entire Clarol skincare range both for additional effectiveness (they are designed to be used in conjunction with each other to be even more effective that when they are used individually and also to discourage people using other cheaper products that may reduce the effectiveness of the Clarol products) and also to reduce the cost of each individual product and postage costs.

29. Do any Clarol products reduce acne scars?

We are not doctors but from our research in the field of acne, we feel that topical treatments for acne scarring are largely ineffective which is why we do not make one as we do not like to sell things which we feel will be mostly ineffective. 

Most of our customers with scarring opt for laser treatment for scars once their live acne has been resolved with the help of Clarol products.


On a more general note,  if the Clarol products are working for your skin, we'd suggest you keep on using them and wait to see what their accumulative effects are. The nature of the products means that they are slowly building back up the level of good skin bacteria on your skin and improving the quality of your skin. 

The process of building up the skin's depleted levels of good skin bacteria is not an immediate one and takes time. 

However once levels of good skin bacteria and skin quality are built back up and maintained you should start to see other improvements to your skin aside from a reduction in your acne, including skin softening, a reduction in redness and sensitivity and a more even skin tone, You may find over time these improvements help to reduce the prominence of acne scars even if they do not get rid of the scars themselves. 

Scars are permanently damaged skin cells, not temporary lesions like acne, so no cream will remove them, though improving the quality and texture of your skin and reducing its reactivity and redness may help improve the appearance of scars.

30. Conceal & Shield What numbers for each shade

No number is 0 which is Very Light

1 is Light

2 is Light Medium

3 is Medium

4 is Dark

Aqua, Dicaprylyl carbonate, Glycerin, Caprylic/ capric triglyceride, Hydroxyethyl acrylate/Sodium acryloyldimethyltaurate, Capolymer Squalane, Polysorbate 60, Tocopheryl acetate, CI 77820 (silver), Phenoxyethanol, Ethylhexyglycerin, 2-Bromo-2-Nitropropane-1,3-Doil. *Please be aware that ingredient lists for products are updated regularly. Please refer to the ingredient list on the product package for the most up-to-date list of ingredients to ensure it is suitable for your personal use.

Good skin bacteria

Maintaining sufficient levels of good skin bacteria is a base-line defense against acne.

Like the intestine, skin harbors both bad AND good bacteria. It’s the bad bacteria that causes acne, but good bacteria are essential for healthy skin.

Many chemicals in both skincare products and anti-bacterial acne products destroy good skin bacteria. This, in turn, weakens the healthy skin barrier allowing more bad skin bacteria inside the skin pore, consequently causing worsening and more frequent acne.

Clarol Silver Serum 50ml

Clarol Silver Serum re-balances the skin’s bacteria.

It does this via a patented ingredient, MicroSilver ™ that specifically starves bad skin bacteria while leaving good skin bacteria intact, allowing it to multiply and grow. MicroSilver ™ has been found in two studies to reduce inflammation and infection in pustules and skin lesions.

Free from

Clarol Silver Serum is FREE from parabens, perfumes, SLS and MI and is a 100% vegan and cruelty-free.

Clarol Silver Serum 50ml