Adult acne affects 1 in 4 women & these two sufferers have discovered the best adult acne cream.

Adult acne sufferer Jade Rice, 30, is a stay at home mum to two children from Bristol and lives with her partner Liam, a delivery driver

“I didn’t have any acne until after I had my first child. Once I developed acne everything seemed to trigger it, stress, my period, changes in my diet, my skin was breaking out all the time," says Jade.

Jade claims she tried every single spot cream and wash  she could afford. "The worse my acne got the worse I felt. For the first time in my life I often felt ugly and I got to the stage where I refused to leave the house without a full face of camouflage make up.

Jade  kept telling herself it was a temporary thing, a hormonal disruption after her daughter was born and that soon her skin would return to normal but it never did. It just got worse and worse over time.

"I tried specific diets that I found on the internet or that other acne sufferers on blogs say help, I tried medicated soaps and various other things to try and reduce my acne but all it did was get worse.

I stopped letting people take photos of me because I couldn’t stand how I looked in the photos. A day wouldn’t go past when I didn’t think about my skin. People stare and I’ve been asked if I’m ill when my face was red and blotchy, " says Jade.

! spent a lot of my free time researching new products or treatments recommended on blogs and forums and that was when I came across Clarol Silver Serum,  which builds up good skin bacteria while hindering the growth of bad skin bacteria.

"The reviews on it were so good and from so many clearly genuine acne sufferers that I felt it stood out from many of the other acne treatments I had read about. I ordered some and within less than two weeks I saw quite a significant change in my skin. The redness and lumps under my skin looked massively different. Within the first month of the using the serum my skin improved about 70%.

" I still get hormonal acne outbreaks around my period, they are much milder than before and they don’t stay around for long. Most of the month my skin is now pretty clear. It’s by far the best treatment I’ve ever tried on my acne and there’s no way I’d stop using it.” 

Adult acne sufferer and mum of two Becky Vonlandau, 30, is a healthcare assistant from Hampshire and lives with her partner David, 30, a welder


‘Like any other girls my age, I had moderate teen acne from about the age of 13 and it went away like everyone else's in my late teens. But unlike almost everyone else’s teen acne, mine came back with a vengeance in my adult life after I had my first child," says Becky.

Becky used to cake her face in make up and used as many over counter products as she could and get rid of it. "Washes, masks, creams. You name it I tried it." says Becky.

"It’s hard to put into words how acne has made me feel at times. It made me feel ashamed and completely self-conscious.  I’ve felt compelled to cancel social plans due to how my skin made me feel. One thing is having acne as a teen when many others have it, another is having it as an adult, people make you feel like there is something wrong with you.

"I have been asked if I have chicken pox because of my skin. People say things like’ its such a shame about your skin as you have such lovely eyes’ or ‘you could be so pretty if your skin cleared up’. Things like that. They are trying to be nice, but in fact saying things like that really hurts. Its like, you could be pretty but….

And the endless advice offering of this product or that facial. I’m an adult woman and I work in the healthcare sector, as if I haven’t tried all the obvious routes already! The point is for adult acne, many products either don’t work or are too aggressive for adult skin.

"I've seen more GP’s about my acne than I can remember. I’ve been to see a dermatologist twice. I was prescribed prescription acne medication twice and I have also been prescribed antibiotics as well as other creams and topical ointments.

The acne medication worked for a few months but my acne came back worse than it was before as soon as I finished both courses. It also made my skin very sore and dry during the treatment. It’s is a brutal drug whose side effects are almost worse than the acne itself.

With antibiotics, it was the same outcome but with less severe side effects. They worked for a while then my acne would come back soon after finished the course.

When I was pregnant I couldn’t take medications and so after having my son  I had my worse flare up ever. My spots where huge and I developed cystic acne. They were so painful and my skin was so red that I couldn’t even hide it with makeup. 

This drastically effected my confidence and self-esteem. I felt like a monster.

"Luckily, I 've been with my partner through most of my adult acne battle, he is incredibly supportive. During the early stage of our relationship I would always wear makeup around him as I was embarrassed, but he eventually managed to make me feel comfortable without it on. 

Career wise I probably haven’t quite got where I want to be and I put this partly down to my acne as I have really lacked confidence when facing the public or work colleagues, especially as I work in health care. If you don’t feel comfortable in your own skin it can make everything so difficult. Mentally it has been hard, it has made me very anxious at times and paranoid that people were looking at me and commenting on my skin. " 

Becky says she was in a place of deep despair about her skin when her mum read a health article about an adult acne sufferer who was a mum much like her who had used Clarol Silver Serum. "My mum knew I’d be negative as I had tried so many products without results so she just bought me some and insisted that I at least give it a go," says Becky.

"As she had spent money, I promised to use it. Nothing happened at first and I almost gave up. But after about four weeks I started to notice the underlying redness and soreness of my skin had begun to reduce.

After about five weeks I noticed the spots where starting to clear up. Within six weeks or so I stopped getting new cysts forming under the skin and the whiteheads on the surface of the skin began to dry up.

I would say my skin has improved about 80% since using Silver Serum, which I have been using now for about eight months and will use forever more.

Aside from actually getting rid of all live acne, I found Silver Serum was so kind on my adult skin unlike any other treatment I have tried before. Previous products have left my skin feeling like it was burning. They would leave my skin very sore and dry for weeks after the spots has subsided.

 I honestly can’t believe it. Everyone has noticed the change in my skin. I don’t wear makeup anymore day to day as I feel confident in my own skin for the first time about 15 years, its truly incredible.

I’m still getting used to having clear skin. Like I still find it hard look at a camera and let someone take a photo of me as I’m used to hiding my skin, but I’m starting to slowly open up. Its liberating.”







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