New Year is a time when a kiss might mean the start of something new.

So, keeping lips tip top for New Year’s eve is symbolic if you’re hoping for a kiss that signals the start of new beginnings, whatever they may be.

Yet there is not a time of the year when a cold sore, if you’re in the 50% of people that suffer from them, is more likely to make a very unwelcome appearance.

In the aftermath of Christmas overindulgence, the stress of family gatherings, too much alcohol, not enough sleep plus freezing dry winds outside and parched central heating inside not to mention the festive snuffles means that the run up to New Year is a red alert for a cold sore outbreak. The UK has seen a recent rise in the number of people falling victim to the herpes virus.

A newly published survey from Llyoyds Pharmacy has found that certain STI’s are dramatically on the rise in the UK, with Oral Herpes (cold sores) being on the list. Two of the UK’s biggest Herpes Hotspots are Newcastle and Bristol.

The herpes simplex virus that causes cold sores lies dormant in the skin around the lips waiting to pounce on any weakness be it a micro tear from chapped lips or a lowered immune system.

If there isn't a live cold sore, then the herpes virus is not active. However, once a cold sore is ‘live’ it’s highly contagious. Even before the sore breaks out, when the cold sore is at its tingling stage, the emerging cold sore can be infectious.

There are very few cold sore treatments avaible and even those that are have been removed from prescriptions in the UK. Even so, almost all cold sore treatments are for use only once the cold sore has emerged, by which point the sore is contagious and its also unlikely to dissapear in any less than 5-7 days no matter what treatment is used.

So what can be done to try and prevent a cold sore forming in the first place? While there's no no cold sore cure, there are effective ways to lessen the frequency and intensity of cold sore outbreaks using preventative methods and treatments.

Consultant dermatologist Dr Eva Melegh gives seven tips to hugely help your chances of giving cold sores the cold shoulder for New Year’s eve.

1.Lace Lips With Liquorice           

Liquorice root has a strong anti-viral action and is particularly effective on the cold sore virus.

Lip Q Liquorice Lip Balm is a natural, transparent and odourless lip balm containing a highly concentrated extract of liquorice root which can help protect lips from cold sores, according to a study carried out by the Herpes Virus Association.

The key cold sore fighting ingredient in liquorice root is glycyrrhizic acid (GA).  GA specifically targets the genes that are required to maintain the virus in its latent state by interfering with the production of special proteins that feed the infected cells. 

2. Prevent Parched Nights

The combination of hours spent indoors in centrally heated houses combined with increased alcohol intake of can mean that overnight lips become severely dehydrated.

Make sure you hugely hydrate before bed and try turning the heating down in your bedroom. Your lips will love you for adding an extra blanket rather than turning the heating up.

3. Forego Fireplace Basking

There is nothing nicer than to sit neat a roaring log fire during the festive period. 

However, the dry and often intense heat from fires is a sure way to quickly develop get hot, dry and dehydrated lips. Heat and dryness are an assured combination to trigger a cold sore.

Keep your distance from log fires and try and turn your face away from direct heat from log burning fires.

4. Go for Gloss

Anything that dries out the lips is a hazard to lips prone to cold sores and matt lipsticks and long-stay lipsticks are particular culprits.

The very ‘mattness’ of matt lipsticks relies on drawing moisture out of the lips for the colour to stay put for longer and for there to be no shine.

Go for lip gloss or high-shine moisturising lip sticks.

5. Ditch Hot Drinks

Mulled wine and Irish Whiskies are traditional festive favourites. But heat, especially sudden heat on the lip area, can trigger a cold sore as heat irritates the skin and causes micro inflammation which can activate the dormant cold sore virus in the skin around the lips.

So, in the run up to New Year’s eve try to only sip on cool temperature beverages, like champagne!

6. Be Wary of Windy Winter Walks

Dry cold winds are a sure way to cause lips to chap and crack. The second the lips have any trauma to them the cold sore virus sees a weakness and immediately jumps to life to try and take advantage of that weakness in the skin on and around the lips.

7. Stay Clear Of Salty Snacks

Any trauma to the lips can trigger a cold sore outbreak and aside from chapping from dehydrated lips, abrasive foods such salty festive snacks , are the easiest way to damage lips and risk a cold sore outbreak.

Tiny micro cuts from crisps and crackers to the lips and corners of the mouth raise the risk of triggering a cold sore.

Salty nuts are a particular problem for cold sore prone lips. The cold sore virus requires arginine (amino acid) to replicate and thrive in your body. Depriving the virus of arginine can help reduce the duration and severity of a cold sores.

Nuts are one of the richest sources of arginine so to ensure you reduce your risk of a cold sore outbreak, keep your mitts out of the nut bowl.