Melanie, a 41 year old accounts manager from Sittingbourne in Kent, just married to Dean, 41, has suffered regular cold sore attacks since she was just 4 years old. In the lead up to her wedding she was desperate to prevent an attack from ruining her special day:
"I have suffered with cold sores since I was four years old, I think I must of caught the virus from a family member or something when I was young. I suffer cold sore attacks about every other month and am normally inflicted with about 3 or 4 ulcers at a time."
"As you can imagine this was not particularly great while at school and going through my teenage years. I was always terribly anxious whenever I had a cold sore and never wanted anyone to notice the ugly scabs on my lips. I usually tried to hide them by covering my mouth with my hand. It was horrible when there was a party or something-I would spend ages trying to disguise them with make up, but it was obvious they were still there."
"However, worst than all that was when I set the date for my wedding, this December just gone, as I knew all the stress of planning a wedding could trigger a nasty attack. I always suffer bad attacks when under stress so I knew I had to try and find something to prevent a cold sore appearing in the run up to my wedding. The problem is that cold sores are really hard to disguise-especially if you have several. I wanted my wedding to be perfect and having an ugly cold sore would really spoil my big day."
"Further, I had my heart set on a tropical honeymoon and we both really wanted to go to Hawaii. However, the sun is another thing that triggers my cold sore attacks and I have always suffered attacks when holidaying in the sun. I didn’t want the fact I suffered cold sores to determine where I went on my honeymoon, I wasn’t going to let a cold sore stand in the way of my perfect honeymoon destination. I had to find a remedy I could rely on."
"Dean was anxious for me that I would have an attack on our wedding day or that I would break out in sores on our honeymoon. Having seen me before and the discomfort and pain it causes he was just as keen for me to find something to prevent an attack as I was. We didn’t want to have to avoid kissing on our honeymoon for fear of transmitting the virus to him!"
"I have tried numerous remedies before but they all treat cold sores once they are present. The thing is that cold sores can take up to 14 days to clear and in that time I could have walked down the isle and honeymooned while still under cold sore attack. I really needed prevention."
"I saw an advertisement in a Sunday paper recommending liquorice balm in the prevention of cold sores and although I was pretty skeptical I decided to try it anyway as it was the first product I had seen that could reduce the reoccurrence of cold sores."
"I started using Liquorice Balm in June in preparation for my December wedding. I managed to get through all the stressful wedding planning, the wedding itself and the entire honeymoon cold sore free. I was amazed. The best thing was that in the 6 months that I had been using the balm leading up to the wedding I had grown in confidence and was relaxed about my sunny tropical holiday-I felt confident that even the hot sun wouldn’t trigger an attack now I was using the Balm every day. It was such a relief not to have to worry about cold sores on top of all the other wedding day worries."
"I am delighted with Liquorice Balm and have been cold sore free for 8 months now, I haven’t even had a tingle. Liquorice Balm is something I can really depend on and I would recommend it to anyone who suffers cold sore attacks. Dean has also noticed how happy and confident I have become since using the balm."
Melanie used Liquorice Balm which costs £7.95 for 30g.
BY Louise Spence 8 December, 2009 – 16:35