KALME Cream Cleanser 150ml

Our Kalme Day Defence SPF40 is designed for sensitive skin and is particularly low reactivity. It is 100% mineral and in our experience is fantastically low reactivity and works well even on very sensitive skin.
But always patch test any new cream. Everybody's skin is different and what might be great on me may react badly with you. So always patch test and make sure you leave on your skin for 24 hours before you cover your face with anything new.
We use two different SPF systems (both of which have protection against UVA and UVB) one all mineral and one a mixture of mineral and chemical filter.
Our Kalme Day Defence SPF40 is a 100% mineral SPF physical block (so not a chemical filter) using Zinc Oxide which has been micronised until it is transparent on the skin. Although it is an SPF 40 for certification, as its a mineral block as opposed to a filter is true protection is similar to a chemical filter of SPF50. This is a fantastic low reactivity product which works very well with sensitive skins. This is our favourite product. But pure mineral SPF's can still have drawbacks. One of these is that they feel a bit dryer and less smooth than a chemical filter cream.
Our Kalme Chameleon Concealer SPF20 use a Titanium Dioxide mineral SPF. But it also uses a little bit of chemical to make the product a little smoother to use with a more flawless coverage capacity.
Kalme Undercoat is best used FIRST straight after cleansing before any other Kalme products are applied. It can be used under Kalme Day Defence SPF40, Kalme Chameleon Concealer. Kalme TeQ Serum and Kalme Night Repair Cream.
Due to the amount of natural ingredients in KALME Day Defence SPF40, it will need a few hearty shakes before using to ensure the ingredients are properly mixed. You may also find when applying KALME Day Defence SPF40 that you find mini white particles in the cream. This is nothing to worry about. These are particles of the pure zinc mineral sun block. Unlike other mineral SPF creams, Day Defence SPF40 contains pure zinc oxide, which is a mineral that not only provides a block from the sun rays but is also 100% non-reactive on highly sensitive skin. Zinc also helps reduce spots and inflammation on the skin.
The only downside of pure zinc is that it’s impossible to get it to fully combine into a completely smooth cream, so small particles of the zinc mineral appear in the cream. The amount of micro zinc particles in the cream can vary according to temperature changes. Our best advice is to blend micro zinc particles in with your fingertips when applying the cream and they will eventually melt and blend onto the skin after a few seconds.
Kalme products contain a patented super antioxidant. Antioxidants are generally considered to be helpful in the fight against ageing.
They also contain a 24 hour moisturistation ingredient, and moisturisation is another key aide to anti-ageing.
The Kalme Chameleon Concealer also contains a prebiotic ingredient, which can help repair the skin barrier that in turn helps the skin retain moisture.
Dry skin is the main enemy to youthful looking skin so all ingredients that prevent dryness will aide the anti-ageing process.
The Kalme Essential Skincare Kit is designed to cover all your skincare needs if you have rosacea. It includes a day cream with SPF40, a nourishing night cream and a water-free cream cleanser. These three products should cover all your basic daily skin care.
We try to encourage our customers to use Kalme kits rather than single products to ensure they are not using other products that may be interfering with the effects of the Kalme products. This is why we price the Kalme skincare kits at a discounted price to encourage people to use the kits to get the maximum effects from our products. The Kalme Essential Skincare Kit is an economical kit to start off with.
If the Kalme products then work for your skin and you want a concealer, when you re-order you can then include the Kalme Chameleon Concealer in the total Kalme Skincare Range, which is a little more expensive as the concealer is a more luxury and multi-functional product, but it's still a great deal when included in the total Kalme Skincare Range. In fact if you use a concealer daily and want one that is suitable for use on rosacea than buying the total Kalme kit is the best value for money out of all the kits as its the most heavily discounted.
In addition if you suffer from dry skin, especially as your rosacea starts to heal up which is common, you may also like to try the Kalme TeQ Serum.
We ask new customers to give products at least 2-3 weeks of daily use before assessing results or changes to their skin. These are not medications and don't act as a quick fix. They have a progressive effect if used regularly over a longer period of time and are designed as a daily management skin care regime to help control rosacea on a long term basis.
We're sorry the concealer isn't working for you. Do remember its a treatment concealer so its treating your skin as well as concealing it.
Many people find that with continued use, the concealer starts to reduce underlying redness and evens out skin tone and so achieves a much better tone match once the skin in less red or uneven.
Another tip is also adding a little of your normal concealer over the top until your skin starts to calm down.
However if you're really unhappy with it you can send it back and get a refund.
We hope this answer has helped
We can't comment on prescribed medications but would recommend that you always consult your doctor before taking any other products alongside your prescription medications.
We would never recommend that you stop any prescription medication in favour of our products. However if you have already decided to do this and you are experiencing worse symptoms this could be due to your skin reacting to coming off your prescription cream. This is very common and symptoms can get sometimes get significantly worse for a period, especially if you have been taking them for some time. People can go on develop a condition called 'red skin syndrome' after stopping prescription creams, where by their skin is very red and inflamed and sometimes it can even blister.
If you are experiencing worse symptoms after coming off medication, we recommend you see your doctor for advice.
Firstly we'd advise that if the Kalme products are in any way causing any burning or painful sensations for your skin, you should stop using them immediately and return them to use for a refund.
Many people find that as their rosacea starts to heal the skin does become drier and feels tighter. So the dryness may ultimately be a good sign if the redness and spots are reducing at the same time.
We'd recommend that you add Kalme TeQ Serum to your daily skincare regime to address the dryness.
The Kalme TeQ Serum is designed to combat dryness and also reduce skin sensitivity. Its an extra layer of moistursation that users can add to their daily Kalme skincare routine if their skin becomes very dry during the healing process. The dryness should improve over time.
In addition there are also other factors that may be causing problems with your skin that may not be due to the Kalme products but may be impeding their effects.
One of the main issues is if you have been using any medicated or anti-bacterial products for your skin before or at the same time as using the Kalme products. Also most make up removers for normal skin can also cause sensitivity and flares in skin prone to rosacea as they contain solvents to dissolve make up, which are very irritating to skin prone to rosacea.
If you are using any medicated or anti-bacterial products or make up removers at the same time as the Kalme products then this could be causing problems for your skin.
In addition if you were using medicated or anti-bacterial products for your skin for a period of time before you started using the Kalme products, the changes in your skin are more likely to be due to the skin reacting to withdrawal from these products than the Kalme products themselves. This reaction can vary from mild to severe, depending on the period of use, the strength of the products and the state of your skin. If the skin is in a state of withdrawal, the benefits of Kalme products are going to take longer to take effect.
You should also consider any relevant lifestyle changes that you have made or experienced while using the Kalme products. For example if any of the following factors; increasing your alcohol intake, a change in diet, higher than normal levels of stress or anxiety, increased exposure to sun or increased exposure to centrally heated conditions or a period of illness have occurred during your time using the Kalme products, then these factors could have a fairly major impact on the worsening of your symptoms.
The bottle for the Chameleon Concealer is a new type of airless vacuum pump. There is no tube inside. The vacuum pump pulls the product up from the bottom via an airless vacuum system. So you will not find any thin little tube like a straw inside the bottle. It is empty and meant to be empty.
This is used so that as little contamination from outside bacteria enters the tube as possible. On a new tube it takes several pumps to begin with to get the product to the dispenser head. Once its there it pumps out on the first pump each time.
It is designed only to pump out small amounts each time for controlled use so that product is no wasted.
If you are having trouble pumping then the lid may need to be screwed on tight and correctly. If it is loose or not screwed on properly a little bit of air can be pulled into the tube which stops the vacuum pump working.
Sorry you are having problems with the Day Defence SPF40. The 'lumpy' bits are the pure mineral zinc SPF. They should dissolve once you rub it in. Please bare in mind that as the cream contains a pure mineral block, it is a literal sun block, so does sit on the surface of the skin more to really protect the skin. That is why it doesn't sink in like a beauty cream.
This cream also contains a long list of other natural ingredients to help combat the several symptoms of rosacea, redness, inflammation and dryness. Combining so many ingredients in a natural cream is very hard for any formulator and sometimes the ingredients can separate a bit.
Also as its such a natural cream sometimes changes in temperature can effect its consistency.
But a good shake of the tube before use should solve this and once rubbed into the skin the ingredients should further combine and sink into the skin.
The vast majority of people who buy this product have VERY sensitive skin that can't tolerate ANY chemical SPF products. Do bare in mind this is a treatment product and not just for beauty purposes. Thousands of our customers literally can't use any other product on their skin than the Kalme Day Defence, and so they love it despite the fact its not as smooth as many other SPF products or moisturisers. Most of our customers feel it's worth the compromise to have such an effective and natural product to control their symptoms.
But despite all these variants it should absorb enough not to be too visible, although there is always a very slight whiteness from the cream.
Sorry you have found your Day Defence has gone a bit runny.
Please do bare in mind that the reason that the Kalme Day Defence is so tolerable yet effective for very sensitive skin is that its almost 100% natural in its ingredients. It's also something, even if we say so ourselves, of a mini miracle in terms of formulation. It combines a very ambitious list of natural ingredients which are very hard to formulate into a completely smooth cream. So although the final result isn't and can never be as smooth and consistent to use as a chemical cream, its ability to be tolerated by very sensitive and complicated skin types combined with its active effectiveness makes it an extremely worthwhile compromise for most of our customers.
But the downside of this type of cream is that if left sitting around for a while or if exposed to changing temperatures (so if left out in the sun or a very warm place or a very cool storage place) it can change in its consistency. This is why we always hold small levels of stock (and sometimes run out as a a result) so product doesn't get left on the shelf too long.
If your Day Defence is runny its because some of the ingredients may have separated. It usually requires a jolly good shake to combine all the ingredients back together again.
We generally advise that the Day Defence is shaken a few times vigorously before each use anyway, particularly if its been unused for a period of time.
One thing that is assured though is that your Day Defence will still be perfectly safe and effective to use.
Please let us know if this helps.
Rosacea is a very complex skin condition and we do not guarantee that our products will work the same way on every type of skin.
If you have rosacea you will probably already know that most treatments for rosacea have varying effects on different people. That goes for medications on prescription as well as non medicated treatments. Unfortunately there simply isn't one product that works for everyone, we really wish there was.
Our Kalme products are designed for long term use and progressive improvements. They are not instant cures. We advise that providing your skin tolerates the products to asses their effect over a 3-4 month period and note whether your skin over all is less red, less sensitive and less bumpy that it was before.
Clarol Silver Serum can be used with Kalme products
Why does it help acne rosacea?
Because rosacea is a skin condition that causes frequent inflammation of the capillaries just under the skin's surface, which causes damage to the skin barrier function, whose main function is to keep moisture in and bacteria out. Once the skin barrier function is compromised, the skin starts to let in more external bacteria.
Hence why many of the classic symptoms of rosacea aside from the redness and dryness, is spotty skin.
Spots are a secondary symptom of rosacea caused by the damage to the skin from underlying inflammation.
Weakened skin barrier function needs increased levels of good skin bacteria to repair itself so Silver Serum essentially works by aiding the skin's natural repair function, which is often depleted in skin prone to frequent rosacea flare ups.
Incorporating Silver Serum into your daily routine with Kalme products can help aide skin barrier repair and guard against spots by targeting and depleting bad skin bacteria, while promoting the growth of good skin bacteria.
How do I use Silver Serum with Kalme products?
You should apply the Silver Serum twice daily (am and pm) straight after cleansing and before you use any of the Kalme products. Apply a thin coat of Silver Serum first and then apply whatever Kalme products you are using during the day or at night.
Many people find that as their rosacea starts to heal and the redness and spots decrease, the skin does become drier. Its ultimately a good sign as it does mean that its healing, especially if you are noticing reduced redness and spots.
We'd recommend that you add Kalme TeQ Serum to your daily skincare regime to address the dryness as this product has been designed for exactly this purpose.
TeQ Serum is a super hydrating and skin repairing prebiotic serum containing extracts of agave and pure plant-based Squalane. It is designed for maximum skin hydration and skin repair of red, dry, tight, and sensitive skin and is also preservative-free and vegan.
How do I use TeQ Serum with my other Kalme products?
Apply before bed in a thin coat to entire face with fingertips. Rub in gently until absorbed. If skin is super dry, apply thin coat in the morning after cleansing and before applying other products.
Recommended usage in combination with other Kalme products:
Day usage: Apply thin coat of serum to entire face after cleansing with Kalme Cleanser and before applying Kalme Day Defence and/or Kalme Chameleon Concealer SPF20
Night use: Apply thin coat of serum to entire face after cleansing with Kalme Cleanser and before applying Kalme Night Repair Cream
Any cream with an SPF in it is always going to be a little greasier than a normal cream as SPF's by their very nature are a bit greasy.
However the benefits of a daily SPF to your skin if its prone to rosacea far outweigh the negative aspect of the greasiness. In addition the SPF in the Day Defence SPF30 is a pure zinc mineral block, so this not only protects the skin from UV damage (the main trigger for rosacea flare ups) but is also anti inflammatory to calm down the underlying inflammation that is the main symptom of rosacea.
So although your skin may be suffering a little more from greasiness, as you say it is much calmer so you have almost certainly been experiencing the many benefits of Day Defence SPF30.
To address the greasiness you are experiencing you may want to try one of the products from our sister skincare range Clarol. Its a range dedicated to greasy skin prone to acne. But it's still suitable for use on sensitive and rosacea prone skin types as it contains no harsh chemicals.
The product that will help you most with the greasiness is our Clarol Nordic Birch & Willow Primer. This is a bioactive mattifying primer for greasy and acne prone skin. It contains two Nordic tree bark extracts to combat oiliness, promote healthy skin microbiota and create an instantly mattified and smoother skin tone. Apply the Primer under the Kalme Day Defence and it should help control the greasiness.
The other thing you might want to consider doing is removing the Day Defence as soon as you get into the house for the evening, like when you get back from work. If you can remove it earlier it can help reduce the greasiness.
Here's the link to our Clarol products;
Here are some tips on getting the most out of the Kalme products;
- Please expect some degree of 'fluctuations' in your skin condition over the first 2-3 weeks of using the Kalme products. Especially if you have been using any medicated or anti-bacterial products before hand. Best results are seen after about four weeks so please be patients. Bare in mind that these are natural products that take a bit of time to take effect, especially if they are also having to counteract previous damage or hyper sensitivity from harsh or medicated products.
- Do not use Kalme products in combination with any medicated products or anti bacterial products.
- Try and avoid all make up removers or any other detergent products on your skin while using the Kalme products.
- Always wear Kalme products under any cosmetics
- Keep your skin our of the sun
- Cleanse twice a day and avoid washing your face with water
Many people find that as their rosacea starts to heal and the redness and spots decrease, the skin does become drier. Its ultimately a good sign as it does mean that its healing, especially if you are noticing reduced redness and spots.
We'd recommend that you add Kalme Undercoat to your daily skincare regime to address the dryness.
The Kalme Undercoat is designed to combat dryness and also reduce skin sensitivity. Its an extra layer of moistursation that users can add to their daily Kalme skincare routine if their skin becomes very dry during the healing process. The dryness should improve over time.
How do I use Undercoat with my other Kalme products?
You should apply the Undercoat twice daily (am and pm) straight after cleansing and before you use any of the Kalme products.
Yes totally. You should use the Kalme Cream Cleanser in replacement of all other cleansers, make up removers and/or washes.
If you have rosacea you should generally try to avoid using any foaming washes, exfoliants or make up remover detergents on your face.
Avoiding anything that requires you to use water at all can really help rosacea
Why is water-free cleansing better for red and sensitive skin?
If you have rosacea, cleaning your skin too often with water or using chemical make-up removers may make it worse.
Many people with rosacea admit to washing their faces several times a day in order to try and help their skin feel clean and fresh.
However if you are suffering from rosacea, washing your face twice daily with warm water can actually make your skin worse rather than better.
Why is water troublesome for rosacea?
Water evaporates on the skin, making it dry out quickly, meaning that skin prone to dryness will suffer.
In addition any sudden temperature changes to the skin, such as washing with warm or cold water, can cause rosacea to flare up as the temperature change increases circulation to the surface of the skin.
Water is also a caustic substance, making it fairly abrasive to sensitive skin.
The Kalme Cleanser should remove most make up and if you are suffering from a sensitive skin condition like rosacea, you should probably try and avoid the type of stubborn make up that the cleanser doesn't remove, such as waterproof mascara, eye liners etc.
However if you are having problems removing some stubborn make up, we strongly advise against the use of make up removers of any kind. These are effectively detergents that contain harsh ingredients to literally 'dissolve' stubborn make up.
So imagine what they do to sensitive delicate and damaged rosacea-prone skin!
If you have stubborn make up that the Kalme Cleanser will not remove try using a mild natural oil, such as rose hip oil or squalane oil or even olive oil to loosen the make up first. Put a little oil on a cleansing pad and rub gently into the stubborn make up area.
Wait a minute or so for the oil to sink in and start breaking up the make up. The make up should start to 'bleed' and smudge.
Then cleanse off the loosened make up and the oil with the Kalme Cleanser. This should do the trick without resorting to make up removers.
While the Kalme Chameleon Concealer is an amazing product in its ability to tone match to a wide spectrum of skin tones, it can;t match all skin tones. It struggles are the darker end of the skin tone spectrum and also at the very pale end.
But if you skin tone in somewhere in between the Chameleon Concealer should be able to match your tone fairly well;
Here are some things to try which may help you get a better tone match and a more satisfactory end result;
1. Once you have applied the concealer, keep on rubbing it in and see if the colour adjusts better with a bit more rubbing. Often this is the case.
2. On first application do not put too much on, just a thin layer and rub it in well. Then let it sit for about a minute and then apply a second coat. See if this gets a better result.
3. If you are still not happy with the final result we always suggest that people then apply a thin dusting of a powder that suits their skin tone or a foundation that like over the top. The Chameleon Concealer should have done about 90% of the concealing and tone match but can sometimes needs a little extra help with the final 10% to perfect the tone match. Please remember that primarily this is a treatment concealer so not only is it concealing your skin, it's main function is to treat and calm your rosacea. With daily use your skin tone should start to even out and calm down making it progressively easier for the concealer to match your skin tone.
4. Are you also using the Kalme Day Defence under the Chameleon Concealer? We always recommend this both for extra effectiveness ((as the Day Defence has even more ingredients in it for addressing rosacea) but it can also help the concealer tone match more easily as the Day Defence leaves a slightly pale tinge on the skin and this makes it easier for the concealer to then tone match to it if your skin tone is slightly outside the range of the skin tones that the concealer matches easily.
5. Make sure you wash your hands after using the concealer or else it will also try and tone match to the palms of your hands.
We hope these tips help you get a better tone match from your concealer.
We hope this is helpful
Why cleansing with water is unhelpful for rosacea!
It may sound strange, but if you have rosacea, cleaning your skin with water may make it worse.
Many people with rosacea admit to washing their faces several times a day in order to try and help their skin stay clean and fresh.
However if you are suffering from rosacea and/or dry skin, washing your face twice daily with warm water can actually have a negative effect on your skin condition.
Water evaporates on the skin, making it dry out quickly, meaning that skin prone to eczema or excessive dryness will suffer.
In addition any sudden temperature changes, especially cold to warm as when using warm water during winter time when the air outside is cold, can cause skin to flare or react. Warming the face will also increase circulation to the surface of the skin, which for rosacea, will make the skin redder and more inflamed.
Water is also, believe it or not, quite a caustic substance, making it fairly abrasive to very sensitive skin.
If you have very sensitive or dry skin, and especially if you have skin prone to rosacea, you should try and practice water-free cleansing to help protect and preserve your skin as much as possible and to retain as much moisture as possible.
Cleansing without water and with moisturising agents is the key to keeping skin clean but moisturised. Water-free cleansing products with moisturising ingredients in them will help sensitive skin stay hydrated and avoid skin flare ups.
KALME Cream Cleanser is a gentle water-free cleanser that has been dermatologically tested for use on very sensitive skin. It is designed to gently remove dirt, make up and sun creams, leaving skin clean but not stripped. It contains a 24-hour moisturising ingredient to keep skin hydrated and supple as well as an anti-inflammatory ingredient to address any underlying skin inflammation.
Yes you can layer Kalme products in fact that is how they are designed to be used.
The skin is able to absorb several products.
All our products are designed to be layered. Modern skin care with less chemicals and preservatives in is no longer about 'one product cures all'.
Rosacea is a very complex skin condition with multiple symptoms and so needs different actions from different ingredients.
Yet you can't load up a single product, especially if its mostly natural, with too many active products as it can become less stable as a result and make it more likely to cause reactions.
Simpler formulations with 1-2 actives in is how we keep our products so natural and so effective and yet suitable for very sensitive skin.
Kalme Undercoat is a desensitising and moistursing base coat that can be used on its own or in combination with other Kalme products.
It's main function is to de-sensitise skin and provide a protective and moisturiser base coat.
Kalme Undercoat does not have anti redness ingredients in it or an SPF so should not be used as an alternative or replacement for the Kalme Day Defence Cream, although it can be used in combination with the Kalme Day Defence Cream if skin is very and/or sensitive.
Kalme Undercoat can be used in combination with all the Kalme products, it can be used under the Kalme Day Defence, Kalme Chameleon Concealer and Kalme Night Cream if skin is extra sensitive and dry.
It can also be used as stand alone moisturiser for sensitive skin with or without rosacea.
Its also helpful used as a base undercoat under cosmetics or sun creams as well as as post-shave cream to reduce occurrences of sensitive skin reactions.
KALME Cream Cleanser is a highly moisturising water-free cream cleanser containing ingredients to help combat the symptoms of rosacea and dermatologically approved for use on sensitive skin. KALME Cream Cleanser contains several key naturally-active skin cleansing oils and vitamins to gently cleanse very sensitive and dry skin without irritating or increasing redness as well as improving skin flexibility and moisturisation.
KALME Cream Cleanser does not require water and effectively removes all dirt, makeup, and sun creams without drying or irritating sensitive skin, leaving skin soothed, moisturised and clean.
KALME Cream Cleanser is FREE from parabens, perfumes, SLS and MI and is made from ingredients that have been clinically tested for highly sensitive skins and skins prone to redness and spots.
Directions: Dispense coin-sized amount onto clean cleansing pad. Gently swipe across whole face in circular motions. Use to remove eye make-up. Repeat if skin still feels unclean or pad is very dirty. After cleansing do not rinse off with water.
Water evaporates on the skin, making it dry out quickly, meaning that skin prone to eczema or excessive dryness will suffer. In addition, any sudden temperature changes to the skin, such as washing with warm water, can cause the skin to flare up as the warmth increases circulation to the surface of the skin. Water is also a caustic substance, making it fairly abrasive to sensitive skin.
If you have very sensitive, red and dry skin, cleaning your skin too often with water or using chemical make-up removers may make existing skin conditions worse. Many people with problem skin admit to washing their faces several times a day in order to try and help their skin feel clean and fresh. However, if you’re suffering from very sensitive skin, skin prone to redness and dry skin, washing your face twice daily with warm water can actually make your skin worse rather than better.