Find out our useful tips on how to avoid insect bites


Avoiding insects can be tricky, however it is important to mention that some insects can transfer harmful diseases that may not be able to be treated, so avoidance is key. We recommend getting a vaccination if you are going on holiday to Africa or places with a hotter climate. This will hopefully rule out chances of contracting any nasty diseases that can be spread from insects. 

Of course Insect bites can be itchy and painful, but generally speaking, insect bites tend to be more of a nuisance.  However, we all would prefer to not get a pesky bite or two in the Summer or when we travel. Looking to reduce your chances of being bitten? Read further to find out how to avoid insect bites. 


How to avoid insect bites 5 different ways: 


1.  Mosquito Nets


Use mosquito nets at night, making sure your sleeping quarters are secure. For added protection, spray the netting with permethrin, an insect repellent that can be used safely on bedding and clothing.


2. DEET & Insect Repellent


Try to cover up as much as possible and use insect repellents on exposed skin.

 Conventional sprays and lotions will often contain a chemical called DEET, which can produce adverse reactions in some people, so always check the label first.

3. Eucalyptus Oil 


Natural alternatives could include Eucalyptus oil, which can be very effective when used topically and orally. In fact, recent studies show that eucalyptus extract is nearly as effective as DEET at repelling mosquitoes, flies and midges.


4. Stay Away from Stagnant Water


Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water and rest in areas where there is tall grass, weeds and bushes. Staying clear from these areas will limit your exposure to mosquitoes. 


5. Wear bright clothing 


You should also wear bright clothing as much as possible, as mosquitoes are attracted to dark colours and the contrast of dark on light.

What if i do get bitten or stung?


Sometimes, even if we try very hard to avoid getting bitten, the little critters find us somehow. Although fortunately, most common bug bites and stings can be treated very easily. 


Treatment for insect bites and stings:


  1. For painful stings from a bee, we suggest taking an over-the-counter painkiller, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Wash the area with soap and water and apply a cold pack. 
  2. For bites from mosquitoes, apply an ice pack or an over-the-counter anti-itch cream, such as hydrocortisone. Another option is to take an over-the-counter oral antihistamine everyday until the bite disappears. 
  3. For inflammation, apply witch hazel and essential oil of lavender on the affected areas to ease irritation and reduce inflammation.


Final Thoughts from Us…


Stay safe and healthy during the Summer with our guide on how to avoid insect bites and prevention methods. Pesky insects can make Summer less enjoyable, so we hope our advice and tips help you to have a great Summer. For more information and skincare advice, visit our website and blog page.