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What's Next in Skincare for Rosacea?


Bacterial shields

These are new ingredients in the latest skincare products that literally produce an organic ‘shield, over the skin’s surface to prevent bad bacteria from entering. Worn over areas prone to spots or over forming spots, these bacterial shields help create a surface that bacteria find hard to grip on to and so help prevent bacteria growing in the spot or the weakened skin barrier areas. Bacterial shields are made by a special bacterial fermentation process and are known as polysaccharides.

Skin Prebiotics

Skin prebiotics are literally ‘food’ for good skin bacteria. A skin prebiotic works much the same as a food supplement prebiotic for the gut, except it’s for the skin. Good skin bacteria feeds on the prebiotic and so grows faster making skin stronger and less prone to infection or weakened skin barrier, while bad skin bacteria are reduced as they don’t ‘palate’ the skin prebiotic as well as the good skin bacteria. Skin prebiotics maintain a healthy balance of good and bad skin bacteria which helps skin fight off environmental damage which can leads to weak spots and allow bad bacteria to rush in a multiple leading to spots and inflammation.

Sebum preservers

Sebum is a protective substance that sits in the pores of the skin to protect it. We produce more sebum due to a number of factors including hormonal fluctuations, stress and to a degree diet. Besides various fatty substances and water, sebum also contains salts, amino acids and urea. Like any other natural substance, sebum rots when exposed to warmth, which is what often makes spots swell up, become painful and go yellow, green or black (blackheads). Sebum is a very attractive breeding ground for bacteria as it has a highly nutritious content for bacteria to feed off so it starts to rot quite quickly. Fresh sebum is almost clear or white. It goes yellow and sometimes green or black when it rots. A new breed of skincare products contain special ingredients that act as ‘sebum preservers, so they effectively stop the sebum rotting so quickly and so prevent the formation of puss and swelling.

Prevention of Skin Mites

It is also thought that microscopic mites on the skin’s surface are present in higher concentrations on the skin of rosacea sufferers. This is an area of research which is expanding and will hopefully throw up some new treatments.


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